
Fetch for individuals

You can benefit from fetching your stuff with us as we offer a variety of recycling services for the return trip.
Let’s fetch, recycle and keep the planet green.

How does it work?

We have developed the platform of the future of last mile logistics to optimise routes, connect departure points, and operate in a 2-way way: delivery and pickup.

Customer samples/cases

With MyFetch, you can order pick-ups quickly and easily to your doorstep for various services in your home. Services include recycling, transporting laundry to the dry cleaners and recycling old appliances. Services are growing all the time and there are already many circular economy suppliers involved.

Getting things delivered is not always easy, especially, when you order from another private person. We can help with last mile deliveries between people.

Have your orders delivered from our partners

With our partners, you can send used batteries, bottles and cans and cardboard for recycling, but also make donation of well taken care of clothes, textiles and home items for those in need.

Our Partners

Save time, save environment

Did you know, that the average car is parked 95 percent of the time? Making owning a car heavy burden for your budget and the environment.
With Fetch we additionally remove reasons to own a car by supporting your delivery and pick up needs.
Additional bonus? We free time spent on mundane tasks that no one wants to do.

Visit our e-store

We combine circular economy services and logistics to support everyone who orders online, send your items to recycle, reuse or even laundry from your home.

Order pickups quickly and easily on our e-store.


Become our partner

Would you like to be service partner for Fetch?
Please register your interest here and we will send you an overview of our company and cooperation possibilities.